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Monastic Vocations


If you are interested in joining our monastic community, the first and most important thing is that you’re called to the Benedictine way of life and that you have the passion for the reconciliation and Christian unity.

Traits of a Benedictine monk or nun:
The Benedictine monk or nun should have three notable traits in his character: a genuine and authentic in his search for God; a love of the Eucharist and the Liturgy of the Hours; and be obedient and able to fit into the daily round of community life. These would be signs of a Benedictine vocation, and no novice would be acceptable without them.

The process of joining the Abbey:
All those who wish to join the Abbey must visit the Abbey at least once and present the following information to the Abbot and his council of formation prior to entry.

Requirements for Admission to Saint Benedict's Abbey:
Letter of petition                                                                   Autobiography
6 letters of recommendation                                              Birth Certificate
Police background check                                                     Baptismal Certificate
Credit report check                                                               Communion Certificate
Sexual misconduct check                                                     Schooling Transcripts
1 psychiatric and 1 psychological evaluation                    Two photos 2x2

Upon acceptance, aspirants must come and stay for 3 months prior to entry as a postulant. Then the period of postulancy may last from 6 months to a year. Upon the completion of postulancy, they may petition to join the novitiate or return to his secular life.

Benedictine novices are received for a period of at least one year. If they are found suitable, and if they themselves find their fulfillment in the monastic life, they are allowed to make temporary vows or promises for three years as a further step in their probation. These promises are Obedience, Stability, which means belonging to a monastic family until death, and Conversion of Manners, which include the evangelical counsels of Poverty and Chastity. If after this period they still wish to persevere, the community can open its ranks and receive them for life.

Information regarding Priests:
A Benedictine community is made up of monks some of whom are priests, but it is not essential for a monk to be a priest. While there is a good deal of sacerdotal work to be done, there would have to be many priests to do it. But in some communities where there is not the same need, the number of priests would be fewer.

No rank or privilege is given to priests except that which belongs to their sacerdotal character. They say Mass, they preach, they give the sacraments. In other respects, they take their place in the community and do the work that is given to them.

Can a monk become a priest?
A monk becomes a priest by mutual consent between the Abbot and the monk himself. A monk may ask to be a priest, and the Abbot may ask a monk to become a priest, but neither can force the issue. In this case, a monk may not demand and the Abbot may not command.

It is a good thing to have the sacramental life flowing within the community, and overflowing outside it. But it is not everyone who has the desire, the ability or the temperament to do the necessary studies for taking Holy Orders. The decision is therefore taken at the personal level and remains a mutual agreement between monk and Abbot.

Why consider the Benedictine way of life?
The Rule of Saint Benedict was written fourteen hundred years ago, so is it not time to put it aside as something archaic and write a new one?

The New Testament is older, and still, we can live according to the same spirit of the New Testament. The Rule of Saint Benedict is not an inspired document, but it is still a good guide for modern monks and nuns.

It has produced five thousand saints in the course of its long history. It has made its contribution to the development of Christian civilization in the past. It is constantly being adapted to modern life, and it is still able to lead men and women to the summit of Christian perfection


Mass Schedule
Mondays -Thursdays - 7:00 a.m.
Fridays - 5:30 p.m.
Saturdays - 7:00a.m. 
Sunday Schedule
7:00 a.m. Morning Prayer
8:30 a.m. – English Mass (Diocese of Quincy)

10:00 a.m. - English (Abbey)
3:00 p.m. – Spanish Mass


7561 W. Lancaster Rd.  
Bartonville, Illinois 61607

Phone: (309) 633-0057  


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